Georgian Radio - audio history of Georgian history! Participants of the scientific conference: Gurandukht Gogoladze, Tatia Mekerishvili and Ketevan Darbaidze. Supervisor: Associate Professor of Radio Journalism, Nino Machavariani.
Randomly generated text helps designers and typographers present a template as close to the real thing as possible to the evaluator. It's often the case that when designing, it's indicative of what a block of text will look like. It is at such times that it is convenient to use the text created by this generator, because simply putting text text text or other repeating words creates an artificial visual symmetry and looks unnatural.
Randomly generated text helps designers and typographers present a template as close to the real thing as possible to the evaluator. It's often the case that when designing, it's indicative of what a block of text will look like. It is at such times that it is convenient to use the text created by this generator, because simply putting text text text or other repeating words creates an artificial visual symmetry and looks unnatural.